Bruce E. Wampold

Bruce E. Wampold

Bruce E. Wampold, PhD, ABPP, ocupa la Cátedra Patricia L. Wolleat de Counseling Psychology en la Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison y es director del Instituto de Investigación del Centro Psiquiátrico Modum Bad en Vikersund, Noruega.

Videos de interés – Descripción Fecha Vistas URL
Debate with Peter Fonagy at Schizoprenidagene (Nordic Conference on Mental Health in Stavanger, Norway) 11/2019 >16,000
Interviewed by Alexandre Vaz for the Society for Psychotherapy Integration 9/2016 >10,300
Interview for Society for Humanistic Psychology 7/2015 >4,400
Stone Lecture, Augustana College 4/2014 >2,100
Description of Modum Bad for American Psychiatric Association 5/2015 >5,200

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